Eye trauma is any kind of injury to the eye. This can be either due to a physical injury, exposure to chemical agents or ultraviolet/ionizing radiation. While some eye injuries may heal over time, some need urgent medical care. If left unattended this can lead to permanent loss of vision. It is advisable to seek immediate medical attention to prevent or reduce irreversible eye damage.
Physical or mechanical injuries refer to any kind of blunt force trauma or penetrating injury such as bruises, puncture, scratches that may have occurred due to an accident, fall, sporting activity, impact from a punch, etc.
Consult an eye trauma management specialist in Vadodara if you have been in an accident or have suffered injuries to the eye.
Types of Eye Trauma
Eye injuries are seldom restricted only to the eye. They also damage the muscles and tissues surrounding the eye.
Trauma to the eye can be classified based on the injured area of the eye as well as the type of injury sustained.
- Corneal Abrasions: Scratches and abrasions sustained on the cornea, in front of the eye are extremely painful and cause teary eyes, redness, and swelling. This kind of injury can happen when the front of the eye comes in unintentional contact of animal paws, fingernails, branches of the tree, or anything foreign, scratching the surface of the cornea. Usually, such injuries heal on their own, but it must be attended by a doctor to ensure that there are no remains of the foreign object left in the eye and to prevent infections.
- Penetration Injuries: Penetrative injuries occur when the cornea of the eye gets wounded and punctured by a foreign object. These kinds of injuries are serious and need to be treated immediately and effectively to prevent permanent loss of vision.
- Orbital Fractures: A broken bone around the eye collapses the eye socket. This is known as orbital fracture. Orbital fractures happen due to sudden and forceful impact to the eye. Fights, car accidents, boxing, etc are common reasons for orbital fractures. Treatment includes regular visits to the doctor to correct the damage. In some cases, surgery may also be required.
- Retinal Detachments: Retinal detachment happens when the retinal tissue gets torn or separated from the back of the eye causing blurry vision, floaters, light sensitivity. The detachment commonly occurs in elderly people or in people suffering from retinal disorders. But, in some cases, it also happens due to a forceful impact to the head like in an accident. Retinal detachments need surgical intervention from an eye trauma surgery specialist in Vadodara.
Treatment for eye trauma depends on the type of the eye injury and its severity. Mild eye trauma can be healed within a few days with the help of home treatments such as ice packs, eye patches, eye drops, etc. Randomly putting eye drops can lead to side effects. An eye trauma specialist in Vadodara will prescribe eye drops after accessing the damage to your eye.
Some eye traumas may heal with a bit of care and home treatments. Some are severe enough to cause irreversible damage to the eye leading to partial or complete loss of vision. Consulting a doctor as early as possible may improve the prognosis. However, the outcome depends on factors such as the severity of the damage, time-lapse between the injury and treatment, and the type of injury. Usually, searching for an eye trauma specialist in Vadodara should not be difficult. Look for an ‘Eye trauma specialist near me’ and ensure that the doctor has enough expertise in treating trauma complications backed with a good amount of experience.
What happens when there is trauma to the eye?
There can be many different types of eye trauma, ranging from a small scratch on the cornea to a penetrating injury that damages the eye. In general, any type of trauma to the eye can cause inflammation, bleeding, and damage to the eye.
What should you not do after an eye injury?
If you have an eye injury, you should not:
- Rub or press on your eye
- Try to remove any object that is stuck in your eye
- Apply any pressure to your eye
- Put any ointment or drops in your eye unless directed to do so by a medical professional
Can you regain vision after eye trauma?
There is no one answer to this question, as it depends on the extent and severity of the eye trauma. In some cases, vision may be partially or fully restored after trauma, while in other cases, the damage may be permanent. If you have suffered eye trauma, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible so that your doctor can assess the damage and determine the best course of treatment.